Monday, 13 August 2012

Maths Week 2012

It's Maths Week! Check out the games and challenges on the Maths Week site.
(Link under Literacy and Maths Games at right)

Thursday, 29 September 2011

Spring Lambs Poems

Spring Lambs
Some lambs are woolly.
Some are cute.
Some have pointy ears
and they bleat.
Some drink fast.

By Georgia

Spring Lambs
Skinny legs
Small lambs
Big ears like Yoda’s

By Isaiah

Spring Lambs
Lambs wobble.
Their legs are skinny
with hooves at the end.
Their ears are straight out the sides.
They suck their mothers’ milk.
They sniff the grass.

By Keira

Spring Lambs
Spring lambs are very cute.
You must love lambs.
Yeah, we do, yeah we do.
Because they are friendly.

By Jacob O

Spring Lambs
Spring lambs are cool
Spring lambs are fun
They also are very quick
Spring lambs
Spring lambs
SPring lambs

By Ryan D

Sunday, 7 August 2011

Term 3

What an exciting term this is going to be! For Room 14, celebrating Our Time to Shine includes hosting the School Assembly in Week 4 (Friday, 26th August, 12.30), which you are very welcome to attend. We are also looking forward to dancing with Dean Mckerras in the Year 3/4 group, in Week 3. And we will be performing as martians in the school production at the Regent at term's end. In class, we will be talking, writing and creating art around aliens and space, and creating martian costumes. Later we will find out about, and promote the special things about places as we explore the Rugby World Cup. Time and Fractions are focus areas in Maths. We will be doing doing gymnastics and Ripper Rugby... Lots of learning and fun things happening :)
We are also lucky to have a student teacher working with us in Weeks 7 - 10.
All the best for a great term, everyone!

Sunday, 8 May 2011

Interesting Things

Some interesting facts we found out in the holidays:

John Logie Baird invented the first tv in 1929. It was in black and white. Colour tvs came out in about 1950s. (By Luke)

In the autumn the grass grows fast because it is still warm and there is lots of rain. (By Angela)

Some interesting things that happened in the holidays:

In the holidays we got a pet guinea pig called Justin. He talks funny. (By Caleb D)

I went to Anzac day with my dad. It was good. More kids should go. (by Ryan G)

Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Walking in My Shoes

We are learning to look at things from someone else's perspective - to walk in someone else's shoes.
We considered different shoes, and imagined the person they might belong to. Here are some of our descriptions.

It is cool, that shoe. People stomp in these shoes.They are brown. They are old.

The owner is Joe Caleb. He is 100.
He has a girlfriend. The owner is old and crinkly. He is a sleep man. He lives at my street.
He is a beating-up person. In his spare time, he goes out for dinner. His favourite food is pizza. His favourite movie is about pirates. He has a bad biting habit. Other people feel kind of good about the owner.
By Caleb D

Elf shoes are size 12. The colour of them is black. The owner is Elf Man Brown. He is 7, and isnt married. He isnt tall and always wears green and red. He is someone that cares about people. His job is working at Max. He lives at 13 Pixie Road. He is a nice person and a mean person. In his spare time he likes to watch a movie. His favourite food is cheese. His favourite book is Cat on the Roof, and his favourite movie is Up. He has a bad habit of being lazy. Other people feel good about the owner. His secret accomplishment is making the toys fast.
By Jon